
In Vicia faba, Allium proliferum and Nigella damascena root-tips, Cricetulus griseus and Potorous tridactylis cells an enhancement of the chromosome aberration frequency induced by Mitomycin C and Thiotepa was obtained in all materials after long post-treatments with 5 times 10-4 M caffeine, at various fixation times. In Vicia faba it was demonstrated that the most sensitive period for caffeine potentiation was 9–12 h after the beginning of the inducer treatment. This period corresponded to the middle-late S phase after Mitomycin C treatment in Vicia faba root-tips. Synergism was also evident after maleic hydrazide plus caffeine exposure in Vicia faba and Allium proliferum root-tips. The threshold value for caffeine potentiation after Mitomycin C was found to be the same for both Vicia faba root-tips and Chinese hamster cells (Cricetulus griseus), that is between 2–3 times 10-4 M. In all the materials, except Allium proliferum, the potentiation factor was higher for Thiotepa than Mitomycin C.

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