
The effects of thermal (autoclave and microwave irradiation (MW)) and thermo-chemical (autoclave and microwave irradiation – assisted NaOH 5N) pretreatments on the chemical oxygen demand (COD) solubilisation, biogas and methane production of anaerobic digestion kitchen waste (KW) were investigated in this study. The modified Gompertz equation was fitted to accurately assess and compare the biogas and methane production from KW under the different pretreatment conditions and to attain representative simulations and predictions. In present study, COD solubilisation was demonstrated as an effective effect of pretreatment. Thermo-chemical pretreatments could improve biogas and methane production yields from KW. A comprehensive evaluation indicated that the thermo-chemical pretreatments (microwave irradiation and autoclave- assisted NaOH 5N, respectively) provided the best conditions to increase biogas and methane production from KW. The most effective enhancement of biogas and methane production (68.37 and 36.92 l, respectively) was observed from MW pretreated KW along with NaOH 5N, with the shortest lag phase of 1.79 day, the max. rate of 2.38 l·day<sup>–1</sup> and ultimate biogas production of 69.8 l as the modified Gompertz equation predicted.

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