
Cipollini and Stoecklin have reported that the relative yield of labeled ethylene from the reaction of recoil tritium atoms with ethane is increased by a factor of ten by the addition of methyl chloride. This remarkable result is explained by proposing that a collision complex is formed between methyl chloride and an excited labelled ethane molecule. Unimolecular decomposition C/sub 2/HiT yields C/sub 2/H/sub 3/T + H/sub 2/ is via a high activation energy rou te in which four orbitals interact in phase in a cyclic manner. The addition of methyl chloride perrmits the in-phase cyclic interaction of six orbitals which is associated with a lower activation energy. Data from the system ethane--butane is also examined to see if similar transitory complexes could be formed between these molecules, again leading to enhanced ethylene-t formation from ethane. (GE)

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