
By rapid growth of the Internet users and devices, the number of servers also increase simultaneously which causes the exponential increment of the internet traffic and static data. Handling these huge amounts of user requests and efficiently responding to them require high bandwidth links, powerful servers and robust equipment, which despite the availability of these requirements getting the full user satisfaction is extremely difficult and a tough challenge. In order to overcome the mentioned problem, the cache servers are being used as a suitable solution. The performance of web cache server directly depends on its replacement policies. Several cache replacement policies have been proposed in literature each having varied hit rate (HR) and byte hit rate (BHR) performances on different networks. The replacement policy proposed in this paper is a dynamic cache replacement policy which trains itself utilizing previous network logs and by exploiting the data mining clustering algorithm. Once the training step is completed, the proposed policy utilizes the normalization formulas to score each metric of the enquiries including recency, frequency, size and delay. Simulation results showed that the proposed policy has the optimum performance on different networks and it not only improved the performance of web cache server in term of HR and BHR, but also decreases the data retrieval time (Delay Ratio (DR)) of the cache servers.

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