
AbstractBased on 10 pairs of atmospheric general circulation models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 High Resolution Model Intercomparison Project, we find that high‐resolution models (HRMs, ∼50 km) perform better than low‐resolution models (LRMs, ∼100 km) in simulating the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) rain belt. We attribute the increased rainfall to enhanced vertical advection of water vapor in the HRMs which is mainly contributed by enhanced vertical motion. Based on moist static energy analyses, the stronger vertical motion in the HRMSs is mainly balanced by enhanced net energy flux into the atmosphere column in the “Meiyu‐Baiu” (MB) region due to the increase of air‐sea turbulent latent heat fluxes along the Kuroshio and sensible heat fluxes over land. The increased net energy flux in the HRMs drives stronger ascending motion, resulting in more realistic rainfall in the MB region. Higher saturated specific humidity determined by finer sea surface temperature, less near‐surface specific humidity along the Kuroshio, and stronger near‐surface winds on western side of the western North Pacific Subtropical High strengthened by the enhanced pressure gradient together contribute to higher ventilation efficiencies and enhanced ocean forcing along the Kuroshio, leading to more turbulent latent heat fluxes in the HRMs. Additionally, drier and less cloudy atmosphere in the HRMs result in more downward shortwave radiation heating over the land, which partly contributes to the increased sensible heat flux. This understanding of the sensitivity of simulated MB to model resolution has implications for precipitation simulation and prediction over East Asia.

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