
Exposure of aqueous solutions of native human choriogonadotropin (hCG), asialo-hCG (A-hCG), and chemically deglycosylated hCG (DG-hCG) to heat treatment revealed significant differences in their stability. Solutions of hCG and A-hCG were rapidly inactivated above 50 degrees C. On the other hand, solutions of DG-hCG were comparatively more stable under similar conditions as shown by the retention of significant receptor binding, immunological, and hormonal antagonistic activities. Heated solutions (100 degrees C) of hCG and A-hCG quickly lost their ability to enhance the fluorescence of the probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (1,8-ANS) indicating dissociation into subunits. DG-hCG solutions were more stable in this respect suggesting significant preservation of conformational features required for the interaction with 1,8-ANS. Solutions of hCG and A-hCG which had been thermally denatured (100 degrees C, 10 min) required almost 48 h at 37 degrees C to regain complete ANS binding ability as well as receptor binding activity. Under the same conditions, heated solutions of DG-hCG completely regained these abilities in less than 2 h. A similar pattern was observed with acid (pH 2.0)-dissociated hCG, A-hCG, and DG-hCG. While heated solutions of hCG had no effect on the action of native hCG in vitro, heated DG-hCG solutions still retained their ability to antagonize the cyclic AMP accumulation or steroidogenesis induced by native hCG in rat interstitial cells. Thus, removal of carbohydrate residues (approximately 75% loss) from hCG renders the hormone more resistant to thermal denaturation.


  • Lost their ability to enhance the fluorescence of the chemicallydeglycosylatedhCG is more stabletothermal probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate(1,8-ANS) in- denaturation than theintact hormone

  • Under the same conditions, heated solutionf sDG- nation was purchased from Amersham; Omnifluor and Triton X-100

  • DG-hCG preparations retained theirability to bind to the receptor even after being a t this temperature for 1h

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Enhanced ThermalStability of Chemically DeglycosylatedHuman Choriogonadotropin*

From the Reproduction Research Laboratory, Clinical ResearcIhnstitute of Montreal, Montreal, QuebecH2W lR7, Canada. DG-hCG solutions were more stable in this respect suggesting significant

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