
Text classification is an important research field in text mining and natural language processing, gaining momentum with the growth of social networks. Despite the accuracy advancements made by deep learning models, existing graph neural network-based methods often overlook the implicit class information within texts. To address this gap, we propose a graph neural network model named LaGCN to improve classification accuracy. LaGCN utilizes the latent class information in texts, treating it as explicit class labels. It refines the graph convolution process by adding label-aware nodes to capture document–word, word–word, and word–class correlations for text classification. Comparing LaGCN with leading-edge models like HDGCN and BERT, our experiments on Ohsumed, Movie Review, 20 Newsgroups, and R8 datasets demonstrate its superiority. LaGCN outperformed existing methods, showing average accuracy improvements of 19.47%, 10%, 4.67%, and 0.4%, respectively. This advancement underscores the importance of integrating class information into graph neural networks, setting a new benchmark for text classification tasks.

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