
Since it satisfies all prerequisites for the growth of humanity, agriculture is currently regarded as being the most significant sector for civilization. One of the main forms of human energy production is thought to be plants, which also provide nutrients, cures, etc. Any damage or disease brought on by exposure to pathogens, viruses, bacteria, etc., while cultivating plants results in a decline in productivity, making it crucial to prevent such diseases and take the required precautions to avoid them. Accurately identifying such fatal diseases is a crucial first step for both the businesses and farmers. Six different Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) that accept plant leaf images as input, along with the Enhanced Symbiotic Organism Search (ESOS) optimization algorithm, have been implemented in our research. We intend to extensively contrast the various models based on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. In the area of image recognition and classification, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in particular, and deep learning, in general, are developing. The literature contains a variety of CNN designs. The dataset size, the number of classes, the model’s weights, hypermeters, and optimizers are a few examples of the variables that have an impact on a CNN model’s performance. Because of its benefits, transfer learning and fine-tuning a pre-trained model are now very popular. This study examines the impact of six popular CNN models: DenseNet, MobileNet, EfficientNet, VGG19, ResNet and Inception. As a result, DenseNet demonstrates an optimal accuracy rate of 98% when compared to other models.

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