
We study the supersymmetry enhancement of nonrelativistic limits of the ABJM theory for Chern-Simons level $k=1,2$. The special attention is paid to the nonrelativistic limit (known as `PAAP' case) containing both particles and antiparticles. Using supersymmetry transformations generated by the monopole operators, we find additional 2 kinematical, 2 dynamical, and 2 conformal supercharges for this case. Combining with the original 8 kinematical supercharges, the total number of supercharges becomes maximal: 14 supercharges, like in the well-known PPPP limit. We obtain the corresponding super Schr\"odinger algebra which appears to be isomorphic to the one of the PPPP case. We also discuss the role of monopole operators in supersymmetry enhancement and partial breaking of supersymmetry in nonrelativistic limit of the ABJM theory.

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