
Resource controlled sensing devices are being used widely to build and set up self-organizing Wireless Sensor Networks for a variety of the essence applications such as smart agriculture. Smart building, smart energy, smart cities, smart healthcare. A Data Stream Manager (DSM) at the Server side gathers the information streams to perform ongoing examination and dynamic for these basic applications. A scornful rival may access or alter the information on the way. One of the difficult undertakings in such applications is to guarantee the obligation of the gathered information with the goal that any choices are made on the handling of right information. Guaranteeing high information dependability necessitates that the framework fulfills two key security properties: classification and uprightness. To guarantee the protection of gathered information, we have to keep delicate data from contacting some unacceptable individuals by guarantee that the power individuals are getting it. Senses data are constantly connected with various affectability levels dependent on the affectability of talented applications are sensed data types or the detecting Devices. Furnishing staggered information secrecy alongside information respectability for large detecting information streams with regards to approach continuous examination is a difficult issue. We proposed a Selective Encryption (SEEN) Method to secure big sensing data streams that fulfills the ideal different levels of secrecy and information genuineness. The Proposed method is based on two key concepts: common shared keys that are initialized and restructured by DataStream Manager without requiring retransmission and a flawless key refreshment. A scheme to secure a multi-hop protocol through the use of multiple one-way hash chains is proposed. The scheme is shown to be lower cost in power consumption, increased computational performance , and lower in communication costs able to secure multi-hop propagation of program.

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