
For the security of the Society, Video surveillance systems have become an important tool that can help in preventing crime in public or private establishments, leading to more safe and secure environment. With the rise of technology that can handle high volune video data and the need for continuous monitoring for security to citizens, the analysis of the video footages, during security breach attempts has become more challenging. Video summarization can play a crucial role in secure surveillance systems by optimizing the analysis time of the security breach. This research attempts to summarise the important aspects of the original video without losing its context and also optimizes the storage requirement. To achieve the same a unique KM-LSTM based technique has been developed that utilizes deep learning methods to understand links among highlight as well as non-highlight video segments through the use of pairwise distance calculations. A new Deep LSTM model has been used to extract the features from all segments of frames. These extracted features are clustered using k-means clustering. Then, such features are trained using a pairwise deep learning model to get highlight scores as well as leverage the comparative similarity among pairs of the highlight as well as non-highlight segments. At last, video summarization takes place to generate the video summary from the highlight segments only. From the results of these experiments discovering the moments of the user’s major or special interest (namely, highlights) in a video, to generating summarization of videos. The above technique can help in increasing the analysis of Video content and thus achieving a more vigilant and secure society.

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