
Deformed nuclei possess enhanced moments violating time reversal invariance ($T$) and parity ($P$). Collective magnetic quadrupole moments (MQM) appear in nuclei with a quadrupole deformation (which have ordinary $T$,$P$-conserving collective electric quadrupole moments). Nuclei with an octupole deformation have a collective electric octupole moment, electric dipole moment (EDM), Schiff moment and MQM in the intrinsic frame which rotates with the nucleus. In a state with definite angular momentum in the laboratory frame, these moments are forbidden by $T$ and $P$ conservation, meaning their expectation values vanish due to nuclear rotation. However, nuclei with an octupole deformation have doublets of close opposite parity rotational states with the same spin, which are mixed by $T$,$P$-violating nuclear forces. This mixing polarises the orientation of the nuclear axis along the nuclear spin, and all moments existing in the intrinsic frame appear in the laboratory frame (provided the nuclear spin $I$ is sufficiently large to allow such a moment). Such a mechanism produces enhanced $T$,$P$-violating nuclear moments. This enhancement also takes place in nuclei with a soft octupole vibration mode. In this paper we present updated estimates for the enhanced Schiff moment in isotopes of Eu, Sm, Gd, Dy, Er, Fr, Rn, Ac, Ra, Th, Pa, U, Np and Pu in terms of the CP-violating $\pi$-meson--nucleon interaction constants $\bar{g}_{0},\bar{g}_{1}$ and $\bar{g}_{2}$, the QCD parameter $\bar{\theta}$ and the quark chromo-EDMs. The implications of the enhanced $T$,$P$-violating moments to the search for axion dark matter in solid state experiments are also discussed, with potential alternative candidate compounds in which we may expect enhanced effects suggested.

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