
SRAM based FPGA are subjected to ion radiation in many operating environments. Following the current trend of shrinking device feature size & increasing die area, newer FPGA are more susceptible to radiation induced errors. Single event upsets (SEU), (also known as soft-errors) account for a considerable amount of radiation induced errors. SEU are difficult to detect & correct when they affect memory-elements present in the FPGA, which are used for the implementation of finite state machines (FSM). Conventional practice to improve FPGA design reliability in the presence of soft-errors is through configuration memory scrubbing, and through component redundancy. Configuration memory scrubbing, although suitable for combinatorial logic in an FPGA design, does not work for sequential blocks such as FSM. This is because the state-bits stored in flip-flops (FF) are variable, and change their value after each state transition. Component redundancy, which is also used to mitigate soft-errors, comes at the expense of significant area overhead, and increased power consumption compared to nonredundant designs. In this paper, we propose an alternate approach to implement the FSM using synchronous embedded memory blocks to enhance the runtime reliability without significant increase in power consumption. Experiments conducted on various benchmark FSM show that this approach has higher reliability, lower area overhead, and consumes less power compared to a component redundancy technique.

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