
The effect of biotic elicitors (yeast extract, chitosan), signaling molecule (salicylic acid), and polyamines (putrescine and spermidine) was studied with respect to isoflavones accumulation in hairy root cultures of Psoralea corylifolia L. Untreated hairy roots (control) accumulated 1.55% dry wt of daidzein and 0.19% dry wt of genistein. In precursor feeding experiment, phenylalanine at 2 mM concentration led to 1.3 fold higher production of daidzein (1.91% dry wt) and genistein (0.27% dry wt). In biotic elicitors, chitosan (2 mg/L) was found to be the most efficient elicitor to induce daidzein (2.78% dry wt) and genistein (0.279% dry wt) levels in hairy roots. Salicylic acid at 1 mM concentration stimulated the maximum accumulation of daidzein (2.2% dry wt) and genistein (0.228% dry wt) 2 days after elicitation. In case of polyamines, putrescine (50 mM) resulted in highest accumulation of daidzein (3.01% dry wt) and genistein (0.227% dry wt) after 5 days of addition. Present results indicated the effectiveness of elicitation and precursor feeding on isoflavones accumulation in hairy roots of P. corylifolia. This is the first report of elicitation on isoflavones production by hairy roots of P. corylifolia.

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