
The data gleaned from the National Open University of Nigeria's (NOUN) E-ticketing system was studied in this paper. NOUN is one of the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institutions, where students and their facilitators are in different physical locations. Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm, preferred using “intent” for its classification method for the chatbot system. Within 4 months of the launch of the NOUN E-ticketing system, 38,263 tickets (students' complaints and inquiries) were generated and 30,601 have been manually responded to and closed while the remaining 7,662 tickets are still in progress. The chatbot's goal is to respond to students inquiries quickly and efficiently while easing the burden on the management system. With the availability of chatbot, students' responses will be automated and accessible 24/7. The NOUN chatbot will increase student engagement, strengthen communication and create a seamless interaction for both the ODL institutions and its students all together culminating to a robust congenial student-ODL relationship ultimately leading to a higher attraction rate and more importantly, a lower attrition rate, not just in ODL institutions alone, but to other conventional higher institutions.

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