
Nerve growth factor is a well characterized neurotrophic factor that play a critical role in the survival, growth, and differentiation of neurons both in central and peripheral nervous system. However, it is difficult for the conventional exogenous nerve growth factor administration delivery to the central nervous system due to the biological barrier in human bodies. Here, we validated a series of cell penetrating peptides and found that L-PenetraMax significantly enhanced the efficiency of recombinant human nerve growth factor entry into the rat retina. In the optic nerve crush mice model, eye drop administration of recombinant human nerve growth factor alone promoted retinal ganglion cell survival and axon regeneration at high dose, while the combination of recombinant human nerve growth factor with L-PenetraMax significantly enhanced the neuroprotective efficacy at lower dose, thus potentially enhancing the availability of recombinant human nerve growth factor eye drops in patients with optic neuropathy. This study provides the evidence that the noncovalent coadministration of recombinant human nerve growth factor with L-PenetraMax could be a potent strategy for the non-invasive and sustained ocular delivery of therapeutic proteins for improving the optic nerve injury.

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