
Enhanced turbulence triggered by near-inertial wave (NIW) trapping by a mesoscale anticyclone and typhoon “Kompasu” was observed in the northern South China Sea. The observations provide evidence for the trapping of NIW packets of amplitude ~0.2 m/s near the base of an anticyclonic eddy, and of ~0.3 m/s after the passage of typhoon “Kompasu”. The wave energy was amplified in a layer located near the base of the anticyclonic eddy, between 150 and 300 m, while stronger NIWs triggered by the typhoon extended to depths > 500 m. Diffusivity was calculated by a fine-scale parameterization. A diffusivity elevated by one order of magnitude, the occurrence of high near-inertial velocity shears, and the low (≤1) Richardson numbers were consistent with turbulence production and mixing from the base of the anticyclonic eddy and following the passage of the typhoon, and were associated with the trapped NIWs. This study showed that, by serving as a bridge between mesoscale eddies and small-scale motion, NIWs are an important pathway for ocean energy transmission. Mesoscale-NIW interactions represent a significant source of NIWs as well as a sink of mesoscale energy.

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