
Although technology is successfully being used these days as a tool to improve education at all levels, its improper usage is curbing the imagination of the student community, leading to a diminution in their thinking capacity and ability to focus and concentrate. As attention is a vital cognitive feature of any learning process, students these days are not coping well with this process. This study attempts to analyse the focusing capacity of students from two different backgrounds; students who have undergone training in mental arithmetic and usage of the abacus and students without any formal mental arithmetic training. The analysis is done through a simple Electroencephalogram (EEG) based gaming software, which measures the time needed for the players to focus and reach a specific attention level. An EEG device measures brain invoked potentials. Due to the availability of low cost commercial grade EEG devices, usage of these devices today, is not confined only to research and clinical purposes, but is being used beyond these applications. This study is an attempt to apply Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Technology to assess cognition. The performance of the first category was found to be better than the second set of students.

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