
Dietary modification to increase iron bioavailability is an effective strategy to compensate nutritional iron deficiency. In this study, we investigated the effect of lactic acid fermentation of bread dough on iron absorption in Caco-2 cells and serum ferritin in rat. Four types of bread were prepared: ordinary bread; bread + iron; bread + iron + Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) and finally, bread + L. acidophilus. For in vivo study, 24 rats were divided into four groups and fed with each type of bread. Serum ferritin level was measured after 30 days. For ex-vivo study, each type of bread was digested and added to the Caco2 cells and ferritin formation in the cells was assessed. The results were showed that by adding L. acidophilus to the dough, ferritin formation increased significantly compared to controls in the intestinal cells (in vitro) and animal serum (in vivo). According to the results, iron absorption from iron fortified lactic acid fermented bread could be increased and due to that iron fortified lactic acid fermented bread, possibly being a simple and low cost supplement for iron deficiency anaemic patients.

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