
To cope with future goal of efficiency, next generation of more electrical aircraft is likely to embed reconfigurable microgrid for the primary electrical distribution. The stability analysis of such time-varying structure is challenging. Conventional linear and nonlinear approaches failed to produce proper answers from a practical point of view. Under conditions, passivity property of each equipment is sufficient to ensure stability of the overall microgrid. But with improper passivity-based control (PBC) design, the passivity property may not be propagated. The main contribution of this article is to propose a modified IDA-PBC procedure that will ensure the passivity properties of the system regarding its electrical inputs and outputs involved in the interconnection. Thus, for electrical microgrids resulting from the interconnection of controllable equipment, input/output filters, and electrical lines, if all the equipment embed the proposed control, the whole microgrid have passive properties and the global stability of the system is ensured. Moreover, this article will also present how to achieve the proposed control with high transient and robust performances thanks to nonlinear parameters’ estimator preserving the passivity proper. Experimental validation of the proposed control in representative electrical conditions is provided.

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