
The geosynchronous Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (gLISA) is a space-based gravitational wave (GW) mission that, for the past five years, has been under joint study at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Stanford University, the National Institute for Space Research (I.N.P.E., Brazil), and Space Systems Loral. With an arm length of 73,000 km, gLISA will display optimal sensitivity over a frequency region that is exactly in between those accessible by LISA and LIGO. Such a GW frequency band is characterized by the presence of a very large ensemble of coalescing black-hole binaries (BHBs) similar to those first observed by LIGO and with masses that are 10 to 100 times the mass of the Sun. gLISA will detect thousands of such signals with good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and enhance the LIGO science by measuring with high precision the parameters characterizing such signals (source direction, chirp parameter, time to coalescence, etc.) well before they will enter the LIGO band. This valuable information will improve LIGO’s ability to detect these signals and facilitate its study of the merger and ring-down phases not observable by space-based detectors. If flown at the same time as the LISA mission, the two arrays will deliver a joint sensitivity that accounts for the best performance of both missions in their respective parts of the milliHertz band. This simultaneous operation will result in an optimally combined sensitivity curve that is “white” from about 3 × 10−3 Hz to 1 Hz, making the two antennas capable of detecting, with high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), BHBs with masses in the range (10 − 107)M⊙. Their ability of jointly tracking, with enhanced SNR, signals similar to that observed by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (aLIGO) on September 14, 2015 (the GW150914 event) will result in a larger number of observable small-mass binary black-holes and an improved precision of the parameters characterizing these sources. Together, LISA, gLISA and aLIGO will cover, with good sensitivity, the (10−4 − 103) Hz frequency band.

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