
Sr0.7Bi0.2TiO3 (SBT) was introduced into Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (BNT) via a standard solid-state route to modulate its relaxation behaviour and energy storage performance. With increasing SBT content, the perovskite structure of BNT transforms from a rhombohedral phase to a weakly polarized pseudo-cubic phase, and the relaxation behaviour is enhanced. In particular, the EDBS is improved from 120 kV/cm of BNT to 160 kV/cm of 0.6BNT-0.4SBT, which displays a large recoverable energy storage density (Wrec = 2.20 J/cm3), implying a large potential ability of energy storage for the 0.6BNT-0.4SBT ceramic. Moreover, both dielectric properties (28–326 °C) and energy storage properties (20–140 °C) exhibit a good thermal stability for the same 0.6BNT-0.4SBT composition. These characteristics suggest 0.6BNT-0.4SBT ceramic could be a promising candidate to be applied in a pulse power system over a broad temperature range.

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