
Enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizer (EENF), developed to improve synchronization between crop nitrogen demand and nitrogen supply, can guarantee global food security and mitigate nitrogen fertilizer-induced environmental consequences. However, comprehensive assessments of how EENF affects CH4 and CO2 emissions from paddies and drylands and the associated benefits are lacking. Here, we present the results of a global meta-analysis conducted to assess the above issues. Our results showed that, on average, applying nitrification inhibitors and coated controlled-release urea to paddy fields significantly decreased CH4 emissions by 24.0 % and 25.3 %, respectively, likely due to the weakened inhibition of NH4+ on CH4 oxidation. A similar effect on CO2 emission was observed when farmers used nitrification inhibitors and coated controlled-release urea in the drylands. The meta-analysis results revealed that all EENF products could help mitigate the global warming potential of paddies and drylands. After incorporating the benefit of global warming potential mitigation into the cost-benefit analysis, coated controlled-release urea application in paddies and drylands produced the largest environmental gains of $ 76.34 ha−1 and $ 79.35 ha−1, respectively. However, the relatively lower purchasing cost and larger yield increase of urease inhibitors resulted in the largest net profits for farmers. Moreover, a greater economic return was generally achieved by applying EENF to paddy fields than by applying EENF to drylands. These findings highlight the role of EENF in mitigating the global warming potential of global paddy and dryland fields, which has facilitated the comprehensive recognition of EENF-induced impacts.

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