
Seventeen chemicals, mostly organic and inorganic acids, were tested in combination with gypsy moth nucleopolyhedrosis virus (NPV) for enhanced pathogenicity in Lymantria dispar (L.) larvae. Two acids (sorbic and boric) appeared to enhance viral activity, as expressed by increased mortality in treated larvae. The effects of boric acid were investigated more thoroughly, and in each test boric acid significantly enhanced viral activity (LC50 of NPV-H2) standard = 5.0 × 103 polyhedral inclusion bodies [PIB]/ml LC50 of NPV-BA = 0.8 × 103 PIB/ml). The addition of boric acid to NPV enhanced activity when tested on both semisynthetic diet and red oak seedling. Concentrations of 0.1 and 0.25% BA had no effect upon NPV-induced mortality, whereas 0.5% BA enhanced NPV activity 2-fold and 1.0% BA enhanced activity ca. 11-fold. Moreover, the time from inoculation to initial mortality as well as the LT50 were reduced by the addition of boric acid. The potassium and ammonium salts had no effects upon viral activity, but the sodium salt was as effective as the acid.

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