
This manuscript shows that an ensemble of paramagnetic nanoparticles driven across a periodic potential display diffusive yet non-Gaussian dynamics with a linear mean-square displacement and a non-Gaussian distribution of displacement. This behavior results from the coexistence of two types of dynamics, namely confined particles around magnetic domains and delocalized ones that propel along the lattice


  • The complex dynamics of particles driven through periodic potentials is common to many physical systems in condensed matter physics, spanning from charge density waves [1] to magnetotransport of electron gases [2,3,4], vortex matter in high Tc superconductors [5,6,7], skyrmions [8,9], and active matter systems [10]

  • We find that for a set of field cone angles, the dynamics are described by a linear mean-square displacement (MSD) but a completely non-Gaussian displacement distribution

  • We have investigated the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of nanoparticles magnetically driven above a triangular lattice of ferromagnetic domains

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Rapid Communications

Ralph Lukas Stoop 1 and Pietro Tierno 1,2,3,* 1Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. We investigate the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of paramagnetic colloidal nanoparticles driven above a triangular lattice of cylindrical ferromagnetic domains. We use an external precessing magnetic field to create a dynamic energy landscape which propels the particles along complex trajectories, characterized by an alternation of periodic orbital motion (localization) and stochastic particle jumping between nearest domains. We show that this system is populated by localized particles as well as delocalized (transported) ones, and tune their relative fraction via the field cone angle. Our driven system presents enhanced diffusive dynamics and an emergent non-Gaussian behavior which can be explained by considering two coexisting dynamic transport modes

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