
In computer systems ensuring proper authorization is a significant challenge, particularly with the rise of open systems and dispersed platforms like the cloud. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has been widely adopted in cloud server applications due to its popularity and versatility. When granting authorization access to data stored in the cloud for collecting evidence against offenders, computer forensic investigations play a crucial role. As cloud service providers may not always be reliable, data confidentiality should be ensured within the system. Additionally, a proper revocation procedure is essential for managing users whose credentials have expired. With the increasing scale and distribution of storage systems, component failures have become more common, making fault tolerance a critical concern. In response to this, a secure data-sharing system has been developed, enabling secure key distribution and data sharing for dynamic groups using role-based access control and AES encryption technology. Data recovery involves storing duplicate data to withstand a certain level of data loss. To secure data across distributed systems, the erasure code method is employed. Erasure coding techniques, such as Reed-Solomon codes, have the potential to significantly reduce data storage costs while maintaining resilience against disk failures. In light of this, there is a growing interest from academia and the corporate world in developing innovative coding techniques for cloud storage systems. The research goal is to create a new coding scheme that enhances the efficiency of Reed-Solomon coding using the sophisticated Cauchy matrix to achieve fault tolerance

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