
AbstractReflected sunlight observations from the Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) on the Juno spacecraft were used to study the distribution of acetylene (C2H2) at Jupiter's south pole. We find that the shape of the C2H2 absorption feature varies significantly across the polar region, and this can be used to infer spatial variability in the C2H2 abundance. There is a localized region of enhanced C2H2 absorption which coincides with the location of Jupiter's southern polar aurora; the C2H2 abundance poleward of the auroral oval is a factor of 3 higher than adjacent quiescent, non‐auroral longitudes. This builds on previous infrared studies, which found enhanced C2H2 abundances within the northern auroral oval. This suggests that Jupiter's upper‐atmosphere chemistry is being strongly influenced by the influx of charged auroral particles and demonstrates the necessity of developing ion‐neutral photochemical models of Jupiter's polar regions.

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