
Traditionally call centres were based on circuit-switched systems. But with the advancement of communication technologies, call centres have shifted to packet-switched systems. This packet-switched system aids the creation of virtual call centre environments. The current dynamic routing algorithms used for circuit-switched systems do not fully support packet-switched virtual call centre environments. We addressed this issue in this paper by developing a new call routing algorithm capable of supporting this type of virtual environments. This was done by performing a comparison study on our hybrid routing algorithm, Enhanced Bandwidth-Delay Based Routing Algorithm. Our hybrid routing algorithm was compared with a commonly used call routing algorithm known as Minimum Expected Delay. We used both analytical and simulation methods to achieve our goal of comparison study. Call centre data collected from a real-call centre was utilised to aid our model development, validation and scenario generation. The results from this study concluded that under high traffic arrival rates, systems running EBDRA outperforms MED by possessing a lower probability of delay.

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