
The sensitivity of solid-state NMR experiments that utilize 1H zero-quantum heteronuclear dipolar recoupling, such as D-HMQC, is compromised by poor homonuclear decoupling. This leads to a rapid decay of recoupled magnetization and an inefficient recoupling of long-range dipolar interactions, especially for nuclides with low gyromagnetic ratios. We investigated the use, in symmetry-based 1H heteronuclear recoupling sequences, of a basic R element that was principally designed for efficient homonuclear decoupling. By shortening the time required to suppress the effects of homonuclear dipolar interactions to the duration of a single inversion pulse, spin diffusion was effectively quenched and long-lived recoupled coherence lifetimes could be obtained. We show, both theoretically and experimentally, that these modified sequences can yield considerable sensitivity improvements over the current state-of-the-art methods and applied them to the indirect detection of 89Y in a metal-organic framework.

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