
(Tueng Bila as a Characteristic and Identity of Acehnese Culture) Tueng Bila is one of the characteristics and identities of Acehnese cultural values, usually expressed as a form of violence against another person, either individually or in a group. This research was conducted to understand the meaning and motives behind such actions, as a way of proposing a solution for ending violence undertaken in this way. This research explores the importance of Tueng Bila as an integral part of Acehnese culture, using data obtained through oral interviews with informants in addition to a literature review. Based on the results of this research, Tueng Bila can be interpreted as targeted action, often taking the form of a revenge attack against a family or individual that occasionally results in death. Tueng Bila is culturally justified, but it is often performed without arbitrary reason, and it is strongly associated with the self-esteem of a person, family or kawom; in Acehnese, human. However, in Acehnese culture, there is also a mechanism for conflict resolution that involves enacting local policy. By this method, local policy mechanisms extract a guilty plea and payment of compensation as a way to eliminate ongoing hostility between the warring parties. It can be seen then, that on the one hand there is a culture of violence in Acehnese society, but on the other hand there are indigenous mechanisms available to mediate disputes that have traditionally been practiced by the community. Keywords: Tueng Bila; revenge; character; identity; Acehnese Abstrak Tueng Bila merupakan salah satu karakter dan identiti yang menjadi nilai budaya orang Aceh. Tindakan Tueng Bila biasanya berupa kekerasan terhadap orang lain, baik secara individu mahupun kelompok. Untuk itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami erti dan motif tindakan, serta cara menghentikan perilaku Tueng Bila. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan menggambarkan secara tepat keadaan dan gejala-gejala tertentu dalam suatu masyarakat. Data diperoleh melalui cara wawancara dengan informan dan studi pustaka. Data yang diperoleh dari para informan tersebut kemudian disemak dan diperiksa secara berulang lalu disilang-semak dengan informasi lainnya sehingga diperoleh data yang sah dan boleh dipercayai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Tueng Bila dapat diertikan sebagai menjemput atau menuntut balas/ajal terhadap lawan atau keluarganya. Tueng Bila merupakan sebuah tindakan yang dibenarkan secara budaya, tetapi harus melalui motif-motif tertentu yang tidak sembarangan alasannya, yang sangat terkait dengan harga diri seseorang/keluarga/kawom sebagai manusia. Untuk itu, “ureueng Aceh” akan melakukan tindakan apa saja dalam rangka Tueng Bila, sekalipun harus mengorbankan nyawa sebagai taruhannya. Akan tetapi, dalam budaya Aceh, sebenarnya juga telah ada suatu mekanisme penyelesaian konflik dengan menggunakan kearifan masyarakat setempat sebagai jalan penyelesaiannya. Dengan kaedah ini, kebijakan lokal menggunakan mekanisme pengakuan bersalah dan pembayaran konpensasi sebagai jalan untuk meniadakan permusuhan yang berkelanjutan antara para pihak yang bertikai. Terlihat disini, bahwa di satu pihak terdapat budaya kekerasan dalam masyarakat, namun di pihak lain terdapat kearifan lokal yang cuba mengenengahkan pertikaian masyarakat yang secara tradisional telah diterima masyarakat zaman dulu sebagai suatu penyelesaian pertikaian. Kata kunci: Tueng Bila; balas dendam; karakter; identiti; orang Aceh DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17576/akad-2014-8401n2-01


  • Every community across the globe has distinctive characteristics

  • One of the ethnic groups residing in Indonesia is Acehnese

  • If we explore further, the meaning and essence of Tueng Bila cannot be separated from a concrete manifestation of the imagination of someone who feels betrayed to straighten out the real issue

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Every community across the globe has distinctive characteristics. These characteristics distinguish one community from another. In the view of Irwan (2007: 2-3), Acehnese customary behavior pattern is identical to the values of Islamic culture In another part, Rusdi (1997: 4) says that one of the characteristics of the Acehnese cultures is Tueng Bila, which literally means “revenge”. Rusdi (1997: 4) says that one of the characteristics of the Acehnese cultures is Tueng Bila, which literally means “revenge” This stereotype, whether right or wrong, often gives the impression that is scary to outsiders, especially when misinterpreted. The paper does not aim to discuss it from a moral point of view, or the merits of a behavior, but it discusses Tueng Bila as a phenomenon from the point of the experience and culture of Aceh. A number of archives and books as well as articles that were collected included some portion of this paper

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