
The proposed security code utilizes decimal method to detect errors, so that more errors were detected and corrected. At the present days to maintain good level of reliability, it is required to protect memory cells using protection codes, for this purpose, various error detection and correction methods are being used. In the paper 64-bit Decimal Matrix Code was proposed to assure the dependability of memory. Here to detect and correct up to 50% errors. The results showed that the proposed scheme has a protection level against large MCUs in memory. To avoid MCUs from causing data corruption, more complex error correction codes (ECCs) are widely used to protect memory, but the main problem is that they would need higher delay overhead. Previously, matrix codes (MCs) based on Hamming codes include been proposed for memory safety. The main problem is that they are double error correction codes and the error correction capabilities are not enhanced in each case. Transient multiple cell upsets (MCUs) are appropriate major problems in the reliability of memories exposed to energy environment. In the new method we are implement 64-bit decimal matrix for error correction in memories. In the new method to increase the error correction rate compared to the 32-bit decimal matrix code. Moreover, the ERT (encoder-reuse technique) is proposed to decrease the area transparency of extra circuits exclusive of disturbing the total encoding and decoding processes. ERT (encoder re use technique) use DMC encoder itself to be part of in the decoder.

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