
This study was conducted on determinants and outcome of customer satisfaction at Commercial Bank of Ethiopia by taking evidence from Addis Ababa which is capital city of Ethiopia. Seven branches were selected randomly. The overall objective of the study was to investigate major factors that influence customer satisfaction, and to examine resulting effect on customer future behavioral intension. To achieve the objective of the study, five point liker-scale questionnaires were developed and distributed to 210 customers in convenience sampling base. Among them, 178 questionnaires were responded representing 84% of the response rate. The data were feed to version16.00 SPSS computer program and analyzed accordingly. Correlation and regression were used to examine statistical significance of the relationship between the variables. Services quality, services features, and customer complaint handling system were found as major determinants of customer satisfaction in commercial bank of Ethiopia. Statistically, highly significant and positive relationships were found between the aforementioned three factors and customer satisfaction. Positive and significant relationship was examined between customer satisfaction and future behavioral intension with the organization. Current performance of the organization with regard to services quality, services features, and customer complaint handling is contributing moderately towards customer satisfaction Key words: Service quality, service features, complain handling, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.

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