
Ochratoxicosis is one of the most common mycotoxicoses in poultry, specially commercial poultry. It is caused by most dangerous mycotoxin because it causes oncogenic effects in embryos, that is, ochratoxin A. The presence of ochratoxin-A in poultry feed contributes significantly to health disorders and decreases production. This is one of the causes of economic losses in poultry industry due to increased mortality, reduced body weight gain, reduction of carcass quality, greater feed conversion rate and immunosuppression. The risk associated with ochratoxin residues in poultry meat represents a public health concern. The present article reviews most significant scientific literature on ochratoxin and their possible detrimental effects on poultry birds and subsequent public health hazards. Recent studies have revealed that embryos, new born chicks and young poultry are more sensitive to ochratoxin A than adults. Ochratoxin-A has a high affinity for liver, kidneys, bursa of Fabricius and thymus. It causes an appreciable increase in the size of liver and kidneys where as the size of bursa and thymus is reduced. It also causes nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity with carcinogenic effect. In embryo, it causes teratologic defects in the form of anophthalmia followed by mandibular hypoplasia, micropthalmia, maxillary retrognathism, reduced body size, everted viscera, spina bifida and exencephaly. Biochemically it causes hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypoglobulinemia and hypoglycaemia. Similarly, it also causes increased levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, uric acid, alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and serum triglycerides. In order to prevent and reduce implications of these mycotoxins in poultry feed, there is needs for both global and national strategic programs to reduce the residual accumulation of mycotoxins in grain, to use advanced analytic techniques and to establish new limits concerning the maximum amount of mycotoxins allowed in poultry feed and products from poultry for human consumptions. Key words: Ochratoxin, toxicity, teratologic defects, immunoglobulins.


  • Rigobello1, Angelica Is shikawa, Luciene Airy Nagash hima, Alex xandre Oba a and Eiko o Nakagaw wa Itano1

  • Ochratoxico osis is one of o the most common c myc cotoxicoses in poultry, s specially com mmercial poultry. It is caused by most dang gerous myco otoxin because it caus ses oncogen nic effects in embryos, that is, ochratoxin A

  • The prese ence of ochrratoxin-A in poultry feed d contributes s significantlly to health d disorders and decrea ases producttion. This is s one of the causes of economic lo osses in pou ultry industrry due to increased mortality, m red duced body weight gain n, reduction of carcass quality, grea ater feed co onversion rate and immunosuppre ession

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Shahzad Ak kbar Khan1*, Emerson Jose Ven nancio, Ellisa Yooko Hirooka, Fabiana R. It allso causes nephrotoxicit n ty and hepattotoxicity witth carcinoge enic effect In n embryo, it causes teratologic defects in the form of o anophtha almia follow wed by man ndibular hy ypoplasia, micropthalm mia, maxilla ary retrogna athism, reduced body size, everrted viscera a, spina biffida and exencephally. It causes teratologic defects in the form of o anophtha almia follow wed by man ndibular hy ypoplasia, micropthalm mia, maxilla ary retrogna athism, reduced body size, everrted viscera a, spina biffida and exencephally Biochem mically it ca auses hypop proteinemia,, hypoalbum minemia, hy ypoglobuline emia and hypoglycae emia. OTA is a common contaminant of cocoa beans, peanuts, soya and coffee in particular, the liver, kidneys and bursa of Fabricius are affected by this toxin (Gibson et al, 1990). OTA has been implycated in a diverse range of toxicological effects, including renal toxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, neuro-toxicity and immunotoxicity in both animals and man (O’Brien and Dietrich, 2005)

Effect of ochratoxin on body weight
Effect of ochratoxin on liver and kidneys
Effect of ochratoxin on embryos
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