
BACKGROUND: Management of biomedical waste continues to be an issue of public health concern even after the notification of the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. OBJECTIVES: The present study was undertaken with the objectives of assessing the type and quantity of the biomedical waste generated and the present state of biomedical waste management in selected biomedical centres/units of Nagamangala Taluk. TYPE OF STUDY: Cross – sectional. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In the selected health centres, the biomedical waste was individually weighed as per the categorization and a pretested checklist was used to collect relevant information. STUDY PERIOD: January 2004 to June 2005. RESULTS: The data was tabulated and is presented as percentages. Highest generation of biomedical waste was observed to be 343.7gms/pt/day in the medical college teaching hospital. Management and disposal of category 1 waste (human anatomical waste) was observed to be appropriate only in the medical college teaching hospital. Only 4 (8%) of the 50 centres were managing the category 4 (sharps) wastes as per the act and final disposal as per the act was being done only by the medical college teaching hospital. Appropriate colour coded bins were available only in the medical college teaching hospital. 7 (14%) of the health centres were disinfecting liquid waste (Category 8) before disposal. Manual transport of the biomedical wastes to the final site of disposal was observed in 47(94%) of the health centres. Personal protective measures were being used in 9 (18%) of the health centres. CONCLUSION: The management and disposal of biomedical waste was observed to be deficient in all the centres studied except for the medical college teaching hospital.

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