
Carbon dioxide is a green house gas, responsible for potential threat of global climate change. Reduction and stabilization of such green house gas concentration is of utmost importance. Photosynthesis in green plants achieves natural carbon dioxide fixation with algae having higher photosynthetic potential than terrestrial plants. A biocatalyst in the form of carbonic anhydrase enzyme was used in the experiment in order to fix the carbon dioxide. The catalyst was supplied externally in modified Zarrouk media which was without sodium bicarbonate. This enzyme efficiently converted carbon dioxide into bicarbonate at ambient temperature and pressure producing 3,072mg/L and 27,805mg/L of bicarbonate 30 and 240 seconds respectively. Spirulina was released in the flasks containing modified Zarrouk media with bicarbonate synthesized by the activity of externally supplied carbonic anhydrase. The growth of Spirulina was observed for 120h and found comparable with the growth observed in standard Zarrouk media.

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