
AIM: To study the significance of platelet count in various fevers and also identify the common causes of fever with thrombocytopenia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 69 patients who were admitted with fever over 2 months of period from 15th October to15th December 2014 in King George Hospital AMC Visakhapatnam studied retrospectively. RESULTS: INCIDENCE: More than half of the cases (52.2%) admitted with fever have thrombocytopenia. SEX: The study reveals that irrespective of sex and size of the sample the presentation of fever with/ without thrombocytopenia could not found any significant difference. Degree of thrombocytopenia in various etiologies: in the present study it is found that out of 15 cases of falciparum malaria 10 cases had thrombocytopenia. Out of 12 undiagnosed cases 8 cases had thrombocytopenia. Out of 4 cases of gastro intestinal system 3 cases had thrombocytopenia. In the present study it is significantly found that the highest difference is noticed in the presentation of dengue cases. Out of total sample (69) cases it is found that 5cases (7.2%) of thrombocytopenia with dengue fever were found against 1case (1.4%) of dengue fever with normal plate let count. The present study reveals that there is significant difference among various diseases such as malaria 14 (16.6%), dengue fever 5 (13.9%), Urinary tract infection 2 (5.6%), undiagnosed cases 8 (22.2%). However severe thrombocytopenia (platelets less than 50,000) is seen in14 cases (38.8%)out of 36 cases of fever with thrombocytopenia. Further this study reveals that in the cases of malaria 50% of cases reported as severe thrombocytopenia 7cases (19.4%) followed by dengue fever3 cases (8.3%). CONCLUSION: Not only malaria, dengue fever and urinary tract infection can also cause severe thrombocytopenia. Fever cases especially with thrombocytopenia show seasonal variations, they are seen commonly in early winter. Febrile thrombocytopenia still presents as atypical and occult forms making diagnosis difficult. This highlights the importance of thrombocytopenia in various febrile disorders. Hence, there is a need for study to know the importance of platelet count estimation in all types of fever as a basic investigation to establish correct diagnosis and prevent fatal outcome.

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