
Operation or any invasive procedure is a stressful event involving risks and complications. We should be able to offer a guarantee that the right procedure will be done on right person in the right place on their body. “Never events” are definable. These are the avoidable and preventable events. The people affected from consequences of surgical mistakes ranged from temporary injury in 60%, permanent injury in 33% and death in 7%”.World Health Organization (WHO) [1] has earlier said that over seven million people across the globe suffer from preventable surgical injuries every year, a million of them even dying during or immediately after the surgery? The UN body quantified the number of surgeries taking place every year globally 234 million. It said surgeries had become common, with one in every 25 people undergoing it at any given time. 50% never events are preventable. Evidence suggests up to one in ten hospital admissions results in an adverse incident. This incident rate is not acceptable in other industries. In order to move towards a more acceptable level of safety, we need to understand how and why things go wrong and have to build a reliable system of working. With this system even though complete prevention may not be possible but we can reduce the error percentage2. To change present concept towards patient, first we have to change and replace the word patient with medical customer. Then our outlook also changes, we will be more careful towards our customers. INTRODUCTION: Thousands of mistakes made in surgery and hundreds in anesthesia every year.[3] We probably think that surgical errors are more likely to occur during complex operations, such as brain, heart or spinal surgery. Actually, errors often occur in the most frequently performed operations. Even after the main part of the surgery has been performed, medical negligence can happen in an instant. Any kind of major anesthesia or surgical errors can have disastrous results that cause long-lasting problems for the patient including death. These errors can be extremely devastating and cause serious health problems to our medical customers (patients). Unfortunately, many of these injuries might even cause long-lasting or permanent damage for a medical customer, leaving him or her not only with physical injury, but financial consequence as well. Errors are common Complications commonly occur during surgery. But when you fall victim to such an occurrence, how do you know if it could have been avoided or why it even happened in the first place? Some complications are unpredictable and unpreventable. However, others stem from negligence, carelessness, poor planning, or distracted medical professionals. When you enter an operating room, patients (medical customers) have trust on us. Unfortunately, thousands of medical customers (patients) each year have their operations end in injury, disability, pain, emotional trauma, and sometimes death. DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3027

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