
AIM: Aim of our study to compare the spinal anaesthesia and general anaesthesia in children undergoing surgeries below umbilicus. OBJECTIVE: to assess the patient comfort in pt. with GA and pt. with spinal anaesthesia, the adequate surgical condition, assess the hemodynamic change, assess the post op analgesia and to assess the post op complication. MATERIAL AND METHOD: 60 ASA grade I & II children of either sex, aged 5-12 yrs undergoing elective surgeries for the lower abdominal, perineal and lower limb surgeries were taken. After taking a detailed history, thorough general physical examination, all pertinent investigation were carried out to exclude any systemic disease. Patients were classified randomly into 2 groups (30 patients in each group). Group A: General anesthesia was given. Group P: subarachnoid block was given. Intraoperative monitoring consisted of SPO2, PR, NIBP, RR and assessment of duration of post-operative analgesia. P-value <0.05 consider significant. RESULT: Analysis revealed that there were no significant differences between the patients with respect to age, sex, duration and type of surgery In SAB since less general anaesthetic drug including parental opioid are used the risk and postoperative respiratory depression is minimal. The stress response to surgery is also limited and recovery is fast. Postoperatively complications like sore throat, laryngeal irritation, cough etc. was also less associated with it. CONCLUSION pediatric spinal anesthesia is not only a safe alternative to general anesthesia but often the anesthesia technique of choice in many lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries in children. The misconception regarding its safety and flexibility is broken and is now found to be even more cost effective. It is much preferred technique special for common day case surgeries generally performed in the pediatric age group.

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