
Testicular tumor mainly affects young men. Considerable therapeutic improvements in management based on the cancer's responsiveness to chemotherapy that contains platinum meansthat over 95% of these patients can be cured.This clinical study was done during March 2000 to February 2002 on patients admitted with Testicular tumors. Necessary available investigations and High Orchiectomy done and the histopathological reports were analyzed. Based on the reports necessary Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy was advised. Seminoma constitutes about 50% and rest constitutes Teratoma, Embryonal Carcinoma and Lymphoma. Self-examination of testis is to be advocated for the early detection of the testicular tumors. INTRODUCTION: Testicular tumor is a tragedy of the young men in their prime period of life.It is so unfortunate because a malignant lesion in an easily accessible organ is often missed in its early stage. Cancer of testis is more common in young adults accounting less than 1% of all malignancies in men. It is more common in whites, followed by Hispanics and Asians, with blacks having a least risk. Testicular tumors follow a reverse pattern to most of the malignancies because of its decreasing incidence with increasing age. Testicular malignancy is considered as the Hallmark for curable cancer while considering other malignancies treatment because even in advanced stage of the disease it can be treated with better survival rates. Self-palpation of the testis is being thought of as a screening procedure for early detection of testicular neoplasm, similar to self-examination of breasts in females. This clinical study was conducted on patients admitted with Testicular tumors from March 2000 to February 2002.The aim and objective of the study is to find out different modes of presentation, assess the various available investigations with relevance to staging and frequency of the different types of testicular tumors.

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