
Among 33 botanicals screened against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), the causal agent of Fusarium wilt disease of banana, only the Zimmu leaf extract recorded 100% inhibition of both mycelial growth and spore germination of the Foc pathogen. Further evaluation of Zimmu leaf extract at different concentrations under greenhouse conditions in cv. Grand Naine (Cavendish-AAA) showed complete suppression of Fusarium wilt disease (disease score of 1.0 which means healthy) at 50 and 100% concentration in both application methods viz., drenching as well as dipping the banana roots in Zimmu leaf extract. Soil application of Zimmu leaf extract completely inhibited the germination of Foc propagules within 20 days of treatment under micro pot conditions. The field evaluation conducted in cv. Grand Naine (Cavendish -AAA) in Foc-sick field also demonstrated that drenching with Zimmu leaf extract (50% concentration w/v) recorded very low internal wilt disease scores of 1.5 when compared with control plants which recorded 5.8 on a disease scale of 1 to 6. In addition to significantly increasing plant growth parameters such as plant height, girth and number of leaves, the Zimmu leaf extract treatment also increased the yield parameters in particular bunch weight to 80.8% as compared to untreated control plants. The principle compound involved has been identified as a lipid. This is the first report on the suppressive effect of Zimmu leaf extract on banana Fusarium wilt disease and the finding of this study would ultimately be useful for the sustainable and farmer friendly management of the disease worldwide. Key words: Fusarium wilt, banana, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense, Zimmu, plant extract.


  • Among 33 botanicals screened s aga ainst Fusariu um oxysporu um f. sp. cub bense (Foc), the causal agent of Fusarium wilt w disease of o banana, only the Zimm mu leaf extra act recorded 100% inhibiition of both mycelial growth and d spore germ mination of th he Foc patho ogen

  • The priinciple comp pound involv ved has been n identified a as a lipid. Th his is the first report on the supp pressive effe ect of Zimmu leaf extrac ct on banana a Fusarium wilt disease e and the finding of this study wo ould ultimate ely be useful for the sus stainable and d farmer frie endly management of the disease e worldwide

  • The data on effect of treatments on the mycelial growth, inhibition of spore germination, percent of plants yielding saleable bunches, number of plants free from wilt disease, internal wilt disease score, growth and yield parameters were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and treatment means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) and by least significance difference (LSD) at P=0.05

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Fu ull Length Research h Paper

Nattional Researrch Centre forr Banana, Tho ogamalai Maiin Road, Thayyanur Post, T. Grand d Naine (Cav. A) showed c complete suppression of Fusariu um wilt dise ease (diseas se score of 1.0 which m means healtthy) at 50 an nd 100%. Concentratiion in both application methods m viz., drenching a as well as dip pping the ba anana roots in Zimmu leaf extract. N (Caven ndish -AAA) in Foc-sick field de emonstrated d that drench hing with Zim mmu leaf extract The priinciple comp pound involv ved has been n identified a as a lipid Th his is the first report on the supp pressive effe ect of Zimmu leaf extrac ct on banana a Fusarium wilt disease e and the finding of this study wo ould ultimate ely be useful for the sus stainable and d farmer frie endly management of the disease e worldwide.

Intternational Lice ense
Spore germination assay
Growth inhibition assay
Collection and extraction of botanical leaf extracts
Isolation and maintenance of Foc pathogen
Percent inhibition of mycelial growth
Purification of antimicrobial compounds using TLC
Statistical analysis
Foc pathogen
Focc alone
Effec ct of
Gopi a and Thangave elu
Wilt dis sease score
Fie sup ppression off Fusarium wilt w disease
Foc pathoge en in soil
No off hands s of
Vio olet
Molecular formula
Zimmu exhibited strong antifungal activity against
Full Text
Paper version not known

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