
Present paper describes the prominent features of forest cover and its extent and decay in the Osmanabad district. The district having geographical area of 7512.40 sq.km., consists eight tahasils and is inhabited by 14,86,586 population (as per 2001 census). The area under forest during 1991-92 was 5062.76 sq.kms. (0.48% of the total geographical area), it increased to 7982.79 kms. (0.81%) till 2001-02. The percentage of forest area in the district is registered very less than the norms set by the (22%) National Forest Policy. The district has favourable physiographic conditions for the proper growth of natural vegetation (2.64% of land area not available for cultivation). But the main obstacles in the forest development are adverse climatic condition i.e. scanty and tiny rainfall, wherever, the drought are frequent. Although 0.33% positive changes in forest area are recorded in the district (2001-02). Because various forest and soil conservation programmes are intensified by government in the Osmanabad district. The hill tracts are covered by dry deciduous forest. However, the population, which inhabited this region is increasing over the decades. The economic activity of these people is mainly concentrated around agricultural practices and livestock rearing.


  • A Forest is a natural ecosystem having multispecies and multiaged trees, as dominant community

  • It may be mentioned that the agro-based economy, 84.31% population are living in rural area, ever increasing demand for forest wood from rural people, large proportion of district area comes in Krishna Valley Development of Corporation, so the work to construct irrigation projects is in progress

  • Depletion of forests The depletion of the forest cover is mainly due to ever increasing population pressure on land for agriculture, indiscriminate grazing, which has denudation of forest

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A Forest is a natural ecosystem having multispecies and multiaged trees, as dominant community. Forest cover about one third (1/3) of the earth land surface, of which about one half (1/2) is occupied by tropical forest. Study region Osmanabad district is one of the chronically drought-prone areas in the country.

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