
A 28-year-old female patient presented at ENT OPD with complaints of a slowly growing mass over nasal tip since last 5 years. There were no complaints of pain, nasal obstruction, or epistaxis. There were no skin changes or ulceration over the swelling and sensation was preserved. There was no history of similar kind of swelling in other parts of the body. History of trauma or any form of surgical intervention were excluded. Family history was insignificant. The swelling did not respond to any medications. The patient attended for cosmetic reason solely. Clinical examination showed a soft non-tender 4 cm by 4 cm mass over nasal tip and supratip area. Mobility of the mass was restricted and fixed to the alar cartilages. There was no evidence of café au lait spots or any other skin lesions. Anterior rhinoscopy was unremarkable. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy was also performed but no abnormality was detected. CT scan showed non-specific infiltrative subcutaneous lesions. T1W MRI showed an ill-defined hypodense mass over the nasal tip which was abutting the alar cartilages which showed mild enhancement with contrast (figure 1). T2W MRI showed hyperintense and or hypodense central focus (target sign). FNAC was done and report was suggestive of neurogenic tumour, most probably neurofibroma.

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