
Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Disease in major hospitals is now limited to managing their complications like perforations of stomach or duodenum. This is also a common cause of peritonitis and remains a challenge to the surgeon. Diagnosis is based on clinical parameters like pain in the abdomen, shock, abdominal guarding/rigidity and abdominal distension. The diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound examination of the abdomen, x-ray abdomen in erect posture. The predisposing factors include the age, smoking, alcohol intake, steroids and NSAIDs usage. The risk factors of mortality are presence of shock and pre-existing medical conditions and time of arrival to the casualty. The mortality and morbidity may be predicted using different scoring systems like ASA scoring and Boey’s scoring. AIM To analyze the different risk factors, clinical features and surgical treatment options of Acute Peptic Ulcer perforation in patients attending a Tertiary Hospital. To evaluate the prognostic factors causing death and complications in this condition. MATERIALS AND METHODS One hundred and sixty five patients attending with signs and symptoms of Acute Perforation of Peptic Ulcer were included. Males were predominantly affected than females with a 1.94:1 ratio. The median duration of illness was 9.64 days. History of smoking in 93.5%, NSAIDs in 78%, alcohol intake in 93.8% and steroids in 84% of the patients was present. Previous history of peptic ulcer disease was reported in 90% of the patients. Gastric ulcers were more common than with duodenal ulcer with a ratio of 1.32:1. The mortality rate was 6.66%. Among the complications wound infection was highest with 26% followed by paralytic ileus 23%. ASA and Boey’s scoring showed statistical significance in predicting the mortality with a P value of 0.00003. RESULTS The incidence of APPU was 0.35% of the total 46080 emergency surgical patients in a 4-year period. The incidence was high among the manual laborers and in urban populations. The potential risk factors with statistical significance with P value below 0.05 were age, smoking, intake of alcohol, high BUN and serum creatinine levels and time lapse before undertaking definitive treatment. CONCLUSIONS Acute perforation of the peptic ulcer is a common clinical entity in this part of the state of Telangana affecting both the sexes. Simple closure with omental patch followed by treatment of the peptic ulcer disease limits the mortality and morbidity as reported from this center. The ASA and the Boey’s scoring helps in assessing the risk factors for post-operative mortality and morbidity.

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