
Quick test for quality check of processed food will be handy for Defence Forces. Aciditybeing one of the most important quality parameters, as per the ASC, BIS, PFA specifications,limits have been laid down as not to exceed 2 per cent in meat and fish products, 0.1 per centin cereal products, 1.25 per cent in ice cream powder, 1.5 per cent in milk powder, 0.3 per centin sweetened condensed milk, and 0.15 per cent in butter. In the present study, a simple, quick,semi-quantitative test has been developed for checking acidity in processed foods to ascertaintheir quality. The test is based on a colour reaction with the sample. The test solution givesblue to green to yellow colour depending on the concentration of acid in the sample. Greencolour is the cut-off point for non-acceptance. The large number of samples of meat (155), fishproducts (48), cereal products (222), ice cream powder (200), butter (200), milk powder (200) andsweetened condensed milk (202) were analysed by the quick test method and the results werecompared with those from the standard titrimetric method. Acidity ranged form 0.68 per centto 2.40 per cent in meat products, 0.70 per cent to 2.50 per cent in fish products, 0.06 per centto 1.25 per cent in butter, 0.60 per cent to 1.91 per cent in milk powder, 0.05 per cent to 0.54 percent in ice cream powder, 0.32 per cent to 0.60 per cent in sweatened condensed milk, 0.05 percent to 1.10 per cent in cereal products. Some samples were found to be unacceptable havingacidity more than the specified limits. The data were analysed statistically and the quick testwas found to correlate very well with the standard titrimetric method.

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