
Proper type and amount of fertilizer application is the major factor that affects yield and yield components of durum wheat. Hence, field experiment was carried out on farmer’s field to determine the effect of blended NPS fertilizer (19% Nitrogen, 38% P2O5 and 7% Sulfur) in combination with nitrogen on growth, yield components, and yield of durum wheat. Factorial combinations of three blended NPS levels (100, 150, and 200 kg ha-1) each supplemented with five levels of nitrogen (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 kg ha-1) and control were laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicates that the interaction effect of blended NPS and supplemented N significantly (p < 0.05) influenced number of total tillers and total productive tillers per m2 where, highest total tillers (343.3) and productive tillers (306.7) per m2 were recorded at the combination of 150 kg NPS ha-1 and 92 kg N ha-1.However, those left parameters were not significantly influenced by the interaction of the two factors. The analysis of variance showed that the main effect of blended NPS was significantly (p < 0.05) influenced only grain yield and plant height where maximum grain yields (5274 kg ha-1) and plant height (79.59 cm) were obtained at the highest application of 200 NPS kg ha-1. The analysis of variance also showed that the main effect of supplemented N rate highly significantly (p < 0.01) influenced days to physiological maturity, grain filling period, thousand kernels weight, grain yield and harvest index but significantly (p < 0.05) influenced plant height and biomass yield. The highest days to physiological maturity (103 days), grain filling period (46.22 days), thousand kernels weight (50.49 g), plant height (79.49 cm), grain yields (5738 kg ha-1), biomass yields (11728 kg ha-1) and harvest index (48.91%) were recorded at the highest N rate (92 kg N ha-1). The economic analysis revealed that for a treatment to be considered as worthwhile to farmers, application of 100 kg NPS ha-1 with 69 kg N ha-1 were profitable and recommended for farmers in Arsi Nagelle District. Key words: Blended NPS fertilizer, durum wheat, supplemented N, yield components, yield.

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