
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis constitutes about 10% of all cases of tuberculosis, and cutaneous tuberculosis makes up only a small proportion of these cases. Despite prevention programs, tuberculosis is still progressing endemically in developing countries. Commonest clinical variant of cutaneous tuberculosis in our study was tuberculous verrucosa cutis (TBVC) seen in 46.66% patients followed by Lupus vulgaris seen in 33.33% patients followed by scrofuloderma (13.33%), papulonecrotic tuberculide (6.66%). The commonest site of involvement was upper limbs seen in 46.66% patients followed by lower limb seen in 20% patients, face, neck, inguinal region, axilla, chest in 6.66% and generalized pappilary eruptions in 6.66% patients. Maximum percentage of patients (53.3%) had duration of cutaneous tuberculosis between 1-3 years followed by 33.33% between 1-6 months, 6.66% had duration of cutaneous tuberculosis between 7-12 months, and rest 6.66% had duration between 4-6 years. The commonest histopathological feature in our study was tuberculoid granuloma with epithelioid and Langhans giant cells seen in 70% patients, hyperkeratosis was seen in 13.33% patients and AFB bacilli were seen in 6.66% patients.

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