
A 22-year-old woman, single, came to Radiodiagnosis Department of North Bengal Medical College and Hospital for ultrasonography examination of whole abdomen for evaluation of amenorrhoea and vague cyclical lower abdominal pain. She had been treated outside the hospital for several years for above symptoms without any fruitful outcome. There was no history of any surgical management to this patient. Careful clinical examination of pelvis revealed an imperforate hymen. No other clinical signs were found except mild lower abdomen tenderness. Routine ultrasound was done with curvilinear probe with frequency of 5 MHz in GE LOGIQ P 9 model ultrasound sonography (USG) Machine. Cervical agenesis was suspected based on sonographic findings, non-visualization of the cervix with a uterus like structure (measuring approx. 30 x 36 x 30 mm.) in right adnexal region. Mild collection seen in pouch of Douglas. Both ovaries and bilateral adnexa were normal. Vagina showed no abnormal collection. Other abdominal organs like liver, gallbladder (GB), common bile duct (CBD), portal vein (PV), pancreas, spleen, both kidneys, and bladder appeared normal. Transvaginal examination as well as transvaginal sonography could not be performed as imperforate hymen. Therefore, the patient underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of whole abdomen which confirmed the ultrasonographic findings and the case diagnosed as congenital atresia of uterine cervix with imperforate hymen.

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