
Background: Breast feeding is the most natural way of feeding the infants and help to reduce child mortality and morbidity and millions of deaths could be prevented each year if mothers were aware of benefits of exclusive breast feeding for 4 -6 months and early initiation of breast feeding. Objective:To evaluate the awareness regarding breast feeding and complementary feeding in mothers of severely malnourished children. Study Design: This is a descriptive /cross sectional study. Place and duration of study: This study was conducted at the department of preventive pediatrics Children hospital and institute of child health, Multan from March 2013 to September 2013. Materials and Methods:This study included a total of 100 females that were the mothers of malnourished children visiting the follow up room of department of preventive pediatrics Children hospital and institute of child health, Multan. A questionnaire was designed and others were interviewed in detail after taking proper consent. Results:In this study, the mean age of the sample was25years +/_3 years. 70 % females (70/100) were from urban areas while 30 %(30/100) were from rural areas. Of the 100 respondents 54%( 54/100) of mothers were illiterate and this study showed that 99% (99/100) considered breast milk safe and effective than other feeds but practically only 23%(23/100) babies were breast fed while 77%(77/100) were bottle fed. Pre-lacteal feed was given by 82% (82/100). According to 58% (58/100) mothers there should be a early initiation of breast feeding, while 57% (57/100) were un aware of the facts that clostrum should be given while 43 %(43/100)of then considered it unhealthy and non effective,82%(82/100) considered 4 months a period of exclusive breast feeding,61% (61/100) were counseled by doctors regarding the benefits of breast feeding,50%(50/100) were aware of the use of exclusive breast feeding as a contraceptive tool and 34 % (34/100) were aware of its importance for the prevention of breast cancer. Conclusion:The findings of the study indicated the various important policy implications for the intervention of breastfeedig. Strategies to encourage mothers to follow breastfeeding recommendations should concentrate on improving their knowledge.

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