
The high diversity in pineapple fields and farmers provide huge challenges in farm management in already dwindling pineapple production sector in the center region of Cameroon. A first step to overcome these production challenges is to manage the afore-mentioned diversity to a reasonable level without loss of detail and specific management interventions for each category or typology proposed. Field surveys were conducted in two pineapple producing areas in the center region of Cameroon (Awae and Bokito), with a view to collect data on pineapple farms and producers. Data collected was later subjected to multivariate analysis. 67% of farms variability was captured within 02 components: Investment, plant density, soil fertility, and input factors. Cluster analysis captured 03 pineapple farming systems typologies: (1) subsistence poor resource smallholder farmers; (2) market oriented, low to medium resource farmers; and (3) market oriented, high resource large-scale farmers, representing 62.1, 32.1 and 5.8%, respectively of farms. The unexplained 33% of variability between farms was attributed to biophysical characteristics of pineapple producing area. Pineapple production in the center region of Cameroon demonstrates enormous potential for improvement. Understanding these bio-physical production potential is a satisfactory approach for pineapple production intensification. Key words: Farming system, smallholder farmers, typology, pineapple.

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