
Multinodular goiters are more often looked upon as potentially benign type. But the incidence of malignancy in MNG is on the rise. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence of malignancy in multinodular goiter. In this prospective study total 40 patient of thyroid swellings (MNG, STN & diffuse goitre) were seen in the M.K.C.G. Medical College Hospital, Southern Orissa, during August 2011- July 2013. Thyroid hormone profile and FNAC was done in all cases while, USG was done in 28 cases and all cases underwent surgery and subsequently histopathological examination. In our series 62.5% of patients were found to have MNG and 3 (12%) of them were found to harbor malignant lesions in their glands after histopathological studies.

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